The Distribution of -a- and -e- in the Lycian genitival adjective suffix

Stefan Norbruis*

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* – Leiden University. Email:

Cite as Norbruis, S. 2021: The Distribution of –a– and –e– in the Lycian Genitival Adjective Suffix. Hungarian Assyriological Review 2: 77–94.



The Lycian genitival adjectival suffix A -Vhe/i-, B –Vse/i– is attested both with -a- and with -e-. The present treatment suggests that the main principle behind this variation is morphological, and tries to determine the default variant for each stem type, as well as to find explanations for the seeming exceptions. Lycian A and B are treated separately, but give comparable results. The ultimate origin of the suffix is argued to have been *-osio(-), which directly accounts for the variant with -e-. The variant with –a– is its counterpart in the a-stems. Some additional light is shed on the workings of Lycian vowel assimilation processes.

Keywords: Lycian, morphology, suffix, genitival adjective, vowels

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