Lynn-Salammbô Zimmermann*
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* – Universität Hamburg. Email:
Cite as Zimmermann, L.-S. 2023: Attā ammīni tašappara, „Du, warum schreibst Du mir?“ Verfasserinnen kassitenzeitlicher Briefe – 1. Hungarian Assyriological Review 4: 37–80.
Currently, about 1,2% of the Kassite period letters can be attributed to female senders. In this article, the language and style of three out of four preserved Kassite period letters sent by women are analysed based on the “Speech Act Theory”. The sender’s name is Inbi-Ajjāri. The application of the “Speech Act Theory” revealed that Inbi-Ajjāri had an influential position in a household in Nippur. She was in a position to give orders to the official Innannu and reprimand his behaviour. Secondly, this article evaluates the social context of Inbi-Ajjāri through a prosopographical analysis. Inbi-Ajjāri was involved in governance processes. Her letters imply that she belonged to a different household than Innannu. I suggest that she had a high-ranking managerial position, supervising agricultural workers and animals, and, possibly, also the textile production, perhaps, in the provincial or temple administration of Kassite period Nippur.
Speech Act Theory, Kassite period, Kassite period letters, letter writing, women
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Data availability. The author confirms that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article.
Disclosure statement. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
Funding statement. The author received no financial support for the research and the publication of this article.
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