The geomorphological and environmental context of the Grd-i Tle archaeological site
The geology, geomorphology and hydrography of the Rania plain played an important role in development of the Grd-i Tle tell settlement
The geology, geomorphology and hydrography of the Rania plain played an important role in development of the Grd-i Tle tell settlement
It is very improbable that Ahhiyawā, a kingdom only attested in Hittite sources, is an adaptation of a Greek *Akhaiwā
Reexamination of Anatolian seals bearing legends in Hieroglyphic Luwian with revision and improvement of the readings presented in former editions.
The present paper deals with cuneiform tablets in the British Museum’s Kuyunjik Collection, first, an administrative record from Ur III Girsu.
The morphophonological analysis of Hittite šipantaš, šipandaš ‘(s)he libated’.
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