CaR vs. Ca-aR spellings in Hittite: evidence for a phonemic distinction between /ə/ and /a/

Alwin Kloekhorst* and Erik Mens*

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* – Leiden University. Email (corresponding author):

Cite as Kloekhorst, A., Mens, E. 2021: CaR vs. Ca-aR spellings in Hittite: evidence for a phonemic distinction between /ə/ and /a/. Hungarian Assyriological Review 2: 241–262.



Inspired by earlier work on the distribution between the sign kán and the sign sequences k/g/qa-an in Hittite texts (Frotscher forthcoming), this article investigates the Hittite usage of three more cuneiform signs of the structure CaR (pár, ḫal and tar) vis-à-vis their corresponding Ca-aR spellings (pa-ar, ḫa-al, t/da-ar). It is argued that the distribution between CaR and Ca-aR spellings is not random, but etymologically determined: consistent spelling with CaR reflects PIE *CR̥ and *CeR[C], whereas alternation between CaR and Ca-aR reflects PIE *CoR. This is interpreted as evidence for a synchronic phonetic / phonemic distinction between the two types of spelling: consistent CaR renders the vowel /ə/, whereas alternation between CaR and Ca-aR denotes the vowel /a/.

Keywords: Hittite, cuneiform script, phonology, Indo-European

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Disclosure statement. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Funding statement. The author received no financial support for the research and the publication of this article.



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