Author guidelines

We summarized the necessary formatting and style instructions of manuscript submission as a docx template file. This template can be used for writing your manuscript. A pdf version of this summary is also available via the link below.


DOCX template & essential guidelines

PDF essential guidelines


If you have further questions on article submission and publishing with us, contact us at the email address.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to, both in Microsoft Word (doc, docx, rtf) and pdf format. We accept manuscripts in English and German. Non-native speakers must have their text vetted by a native speaker before submission. The manuscript should include the title, the author’s name, affiliation and e-mail address, text with footnotes, list of works cited, figure captions, 3–5 keywords, and an abstract in English (100–200 words). It should be typed single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman or Semiramis font without any additional formatting, e.g. paragraph indenting, page breaks, page numbering, etc. Any special fonts used for characters that cannot be produced with the above fonts must be submitted electronically together with the manuscript. Abbreviations of text editions should follow the system of the RlA. Tables, plates, and figures should not be embedded in the text, but submitted as separate files.



HAR does not use in-text citation. Notes (including the references) should be formatted as footnotes, not as endnotes. References in footnotes should consist of the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the relevant inclusive pages, figures, plates, etc. Do not use abbreviations such as op. cit., loc. cit., ibid, idem, passim, infra, supra or vague page ranges (e.g., 125f. or 125ff.). Since page numbers are rarely available in the case of online publications, use any available structuring element (e.g., §16, s.v., etc.), if applicable.


1 Radner 2013, 443. (Single work cited)

2 Radner 2013, 445–447, fig. 22.1–22.2; >Fales 2001. (Multiple works cited, separated by semicolons)

3 Radner 2008; 2009a, 181, 190; 2009b. (Multiple references to the same author, separated by semicolons. Use alphabetical suffixes for publications by the same author in one year such as 2009a, 2009b, etc.)

4 Radner – van Koppen 2009, 95–101.

5 Radner et al. 2014, 141–145, 147–151. (In the case of three or more authors, use et al.)


The manuscripts should close with a list of works cited, in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author according to the conventions of the manuscript’s language. If the name’s initial letter does not exist in the alphabet of the manuscript’s language, the name should be placed after the end of the base letter (e.g. Çoşkun should stand after names starting with C). Authors’ and editors’ first names should be given as initials adapted to the orthography (i.e. “Th.” for Thomas, etc.). Name suffixes such as “Jr.”, “IV” should be omitted. Unlike in the references, all authors of an article should be listed. Titles of journals and series should not be abbreviated, but given in full. Collective works with more than three articles cited should be included in the bibliography as individual titles. Do not give dates of reprints, but rather supply the original date of publication. Edition information should appear in upper index preceding the year (e.g. 22007), editions without numbering (“Revised Edition”, etc.) should be supplied after the title. If the real year of publication is significantly different from the official year of publication, you may wish to add the real year in square brackets, e.g. “(2013) [2015]”. Volume information should consist only of the number of the volume (without any abbreviations as “Vol. 2.”). In the case of online publications without a recognizable date, use “(online)” instead of the year and place it after the author’s publications with a known date. Please ensure that all references listed in the bibliography are cited in the text and that all cited works are included in the bibliography. In case of uncertainty, consult the journal’s last issue or contact the editors. The manuscript will be returned to the author if significant reformatting of the references is required.



Cohen, M. E. 1993: The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East. Bethesda.

Scurlock, J. – Andersen, B. R. 2005: Diagnoses in Assyrian and Babylonian Medicine. Ancient Sources, Translations, and Modern Medical Analyses. Urbana – Chicago.

Nissen, H. J. – Damerow, P. – Englund, R. K. 1990: Frühe Schrift und Techniken der Wirtschaftsverwaltung im alten Vorderen Orient. Informationsspeicherung und -verarbeitung vor 5000 Jahren. Berlin.

Edited book:

Álvarez-Mon, J. – Garrison, M. B. (eds.) 2011: Elam and Persia. Winona Lake.

Book in a series:

Sallaberger, W. 1999: „Wenn Du mein Bruder bist, …“ Interaktion und Textgestaltung in altbabylonischen Alltagsbriefen. (Cuneiform Monographs 16) Groningen.

Book chapter:

Stol, M. 2002: Personen um den König in altbabylonischer Zeit. In: Loretz, O. – Metzler, K. A. – Schaudig, H. (eds.): Ex Mesopotamia et Syria Lux. Festschrift für Manfried Dietrich zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 281) Münster, 735–758.

Journal article:

Steinkeller, P. 1988: The Date of Gudea and His Dynasty. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 40, 47–53.

Journal article in a journal without volume numbering:

Charpin, D. 2005: Samsu-ditana était bien le fils d’Ammi-ṣaduqa. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2005, 37–38 (No. 36).

Entry in an encyclopaedia or lexicon:

Aro, S. 2012: Tabal. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 13, 388–391.


Poetto, M. 2014: Review of G. Bunnens, A New Luwian Stele and the Cult of the Storm-God at Til Barsib-Masuwari. Bibliotheca Orientalis 71, 793–797.

Unpublished thesis:

Bowes, A. W. 1987: A Theological Study of Old-Babylonian Personal Names. Unpublished PhD dissertation (Dropsie College). Merion, Pennsylvania.

Online publications:

Yakubovich, I. (online): Annotated Corpus of Luwian Texts. (accessed: 12 May, 2019).

Papers in German shall use German bibliographical terminology and the heading Literatur.


References to figures in the text must appear in consecutive order. Please refer to all types of illustrations (images, drawings, maps, tables, plates, etc.) as Fig. in abbreviated form. A list of figures with appropriate captions and credits should be provided at the end of the manuscript. All explanatory material and legends should be placed in captions. Captions should be set as suggested below, with credits placed in parentheses and ending with a period.

Fig. 1. Aerial view of the excavation area (Photo: R. Matthews).

Fig. 2. Details of the inscription (Durand 2005, 7).

It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission for reproducing copyrighted images. While there is no limit to the number of figures, their number should be proportional to the length of the text. We accept digital images in colour or grayscale: tiff format of at least 300 dpi resolution is recommended. We accept charts in separate, editable formats only and not as tiff or jpeg files. The file name of any digital image and chart should consist of the author’s last name and the figure number (e.g. Kramer_Fig1.tiff). Consider the page size of HAR which is A4 (210×297 mm) when sizing your images.