Hittite dapi(a)-, dapit/d-, dapiant- ‘all, every, each; entire’: a logographic interpretation

Alwin Kloekhorst*

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* – Leiden University. Email: a.kloekhorst@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Cite as Kloekhorst, A. 2022: Hittite dapi(a)-, dapit/d-, dapiant– ‘all, every, each; entire’: a logographic interpretation. Hungarian Assyriological Review 3: 203–220.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52093/hara-202202-00031-000


This article discusses the problematic aspects of the synchronic and diachronic interpretation of Hittite dapi(a)-, dapit/d-, dapiant– ‘all, every, each; entire’. It will be argued that earlier treatments of these words, including ones that propose Luwian origins for them, cannot explain these problems. Instead, a new, Hittite-internal analysis of these words is presented which states that they in fact contain a logogram, DA.BI, and actually are logographic renderings (DA.BI(-a)-, DA.BI-t/d-, DA.BI-ant-) of Hitt. ḫūmant– ‘all, every, each; entire’.

Keywords: Hittite, cuneiform, orthography, logographic writing

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Disclosure statement. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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