Early Babylonian tablets in the British Museum’s Kuyunjik Collection 1: A fragment of an administrative document from Ur III Girsu?

Zsombor J. Földi(a)

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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Email: zsombor.foeldi@lmu.de

Cite as: Földi, Zs. J. 2020: Early Babylonian tablets in the British Museum’s Kuyunjik Collection 1: A fragment of an administrative document from Ur III Girsu? Hungarian Assyriological Review 1, 89-98.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52093/hara-202002-00006-000

Open Access


The present paper deals with cuneiform tablets in the British Museum’s Kuyunjik Collection that were in all likelihood found in Babylonia, not in Nineveh. Following a brief and preliminary overview of the corresponding material, a fragment from this group is published for the first time. It is suggested that it may belong to an administrative record from Ur III Girsu.

British Museum, Kuyunjik Collection, collection history, Ur III period, Girsu

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